Burning Man: Photographs and Neon from Black Rock City, Nevada 1992-1999
The Museum of Neon Art, Los Angeles, CA
December 11, 1999 – March 12, 2000
Curated by LadyBee
To demonstrate the uniquely compelling and powerful presence of neon on the playa, various neon installations and signage, as well as photographs, were displayed in MONA’s galleries and in its Olympic Boulevard windows. Featured neon artists were Jerry Matheny, Dan Clarke, Jeff Johnson, Nicholas Raddell, Woodpussy, and Steve Yonkman. Also shown were stamps from the Burning Man Post Office by James Kline and Terry Ferrer, an acrylic painting by Troy Van Berry, and photographs by Barb Traub, George Post, Austin Granger, and Margot Duane. Historic materials included Louis Brill’s article “AfterGlow” from Signs of the Times and photographs of early neon art by John Law, Vince Koloski, Chris Radcliffe and Tom Wray.